Amazon Kindle Ücretsiz İslami Ekitap Kampanyası

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Amazon Kindle tarafından düzenlenen Free Book kampanyası ile beş gün boyunca aşağıdaki İngilizce İslami ekitapları ücretsiz indirebilirsiniz:

(Amazon Kindle'ın kitap satışı yaptığı ülkelerde oturanlar için geçerlidir.)

* Islamic Proverbs in World Languages:
(Dünya Dillerinde İslami Atasözleri)
Hundreds of Proverbs
This book includes hundreds of Islamic Proverbs in World Languages (as English).
Source Languages/Cultures of The Proverbs are: African, American, Arabic, Balkans, Baltic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, European, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi/Indian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Pacific, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, etc.
This book is a gift from World Islam Day and Seckin Islamoglu to all humanity.

* Basic Answers about Islam:
(İslam Hakkında Temel Cevaplar)
What is Islam?
Who is (the Messenger of Allah,) Muhammad (sav)?
Who is called a Muslim?
What is Islamic Struggle (Jihad)?
Is Terrorism an Islamic method?
Can those who apply non-Islamic methods be representatives of Islam and Muslims?
Can one reach success and get Allah’s consent with non-Islamic methods?

* The Good News:
(Hz. Muhammed Hakkındaki Müjdeler)
About Messenger Muhammad in the Bible
Who is Muhammad (sav)?
The Good News
Some Hadiths
Ideal Behaviors From The Model Prophet
The Last Sermon of Messenger Muhammad (sav)

* Last Two Messengers:
(Son İki Resul - Kuran'da Hz. İsa ve Kitab-ı Mukaddes'te Hz. Muhammed)
Jesus in the Quran & Muhammad in the Bible

* The Best One of The Words:
(Sözlerin En Güzeli - Ahsenül Ehadis)
To Know Allah (Allah’ı Tanımak)
Allah’s Names and Attributes (Allah’ın İsim ve Sıfatları)
Whoever Knows Allah Inclines to Him (Allah’ı Tanıyan O’na Yönelir)
To Be A Friend Of Allah (Allah ile Dost Olmak)
To Tend To Allah - The Prayer (Allah’a Yönelmek - Dua)
Best Prayers (En Güzel Dualar)
(Selected Verses of the Quran - Arabic, Turkish and English)

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